Are you living with Chronic Stress

In today’s hectic world many people are living with chronic stress. If you answer yes to two or more of these questions you might be living a chronically stressful lifestyle.

Do you:

  • Eat emotionally
  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Drink too much or take drugs
  • Feel anxious, jumpy or panicky
  • Seem more forgetful than usual
  • Lose your temper more frequently
  • Have a hard time falling/staying asleep
  • Have difficulty concentrating
  • Cry often
  • Find relationships challenging?

Your mind is amazing with the best of intentions. It scans each event that happens to keep you safe. If your mind interprets an event as positive you move forward with positive energy. If it is viewed as negative, instantly your body responds physically with the fight, flight or freeze response. This response is hardwired from our primitive days but in the modern world we cannot always use the fight, flight or freeze responses.

Each stress response you experience releases hormones into your body to help you achieve fight, flight, or freeze. These stress hormones have been linked to illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. They have also been linked to negative emotional symptoms like anxiety and panic.

Chronic stress is emotionally and physically exhausting!

How can you reduce this chronic stress?

The first step is to examine the balance in your life. What is your level of commitment to family, friends, work, school, spirituality, self care? Which area feels overloaded? Which area feels ignored?

We feel stressed when we are taking on too much to do it well so look to “give away” the areas that feel overloaded. Brainstorm how you can “plump up” the areas that feel ignored. Creating that balance like leveling out a teeter totter helps to keep you stable and even.

Lean to say no if you cannot or do not want to take on another responsibility. Delete emotionally draining people or situations from your life when possible. Nurture your body (the only one you will ever have) by moving it, feeding it well and giving it the sleep that it needs. Focus on the humour in situations. Remember, it is your mind’s interpretation of an event that decides whether it is positive or negative. Create the most positive experience for yourself that you can.

Find help when you need it. Deep relaxation, therapy and hypnotherapy can help you release negative emotional pressure and restructure old patterns and habits that are holding you back.

“Create your new tomorrow”!

5-PATH Hypnotherapy

5-PATH Hypnotherapy ® Equals Rapid Therapeutic Change and can Help You;

REMOVE Fears, phobias, anxiety, anger, negative habits.

IMPROVE Relationships, confidence, sports performance, sleep, mood, weight management, public speaking.

INCREASE Confidence, motivation, self-esteem.

OVERCOME Shyness, procrastination, test anxiety, stress, trauma, depression, grief, loss, smoking.

Q – Why Should I Try Hypnosis?
– Hypnosis can help you succeed when nothing else has worked. I work with people everyday who are frustrated because nothing else has helped them reach their goals-but this does!

Q – What is Hypnosis?
A –
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of focused attention allowing you to receive and act on powerful hypnotic suggestions which help you to take back control of your life and achieve your goals quickly and pleasantly.

Q – What does hypnosis feel like?
A –
If you have been caught up in a daydream you have experienced hypnosis. If you have been so engrossed in a book that you did not hear someone talking to you, you have experienced hypnosis. If you have been driving somewhere and reached your destination but didn’t remember the entire drive, you have experienced hypnosis. It is pleasant, like relaxation yet an incredibly effective tool for change. Hypnosis is not like sleep, you may feel like you are in bed with the lights out at night but you are not asleep. You are aware, can hear, can think, can talk and can move at will. Some clients feel their arms and legs are heavy, others feel they are light and still others feel pleasantly tingly.

Q – Will I reveal secrets I don’t want to?
A –
Clients working in hypnosis will never reveal anything they do not choose to, you are completely in control at all times and can emerge yourself at any point. Your subconscious mind will never allow you to go to a place that you are not ready to go.

Q – How long will it take?
A – Most issues can be resolved within 4-6 sessions. Sessions vary between 1-1/2 hours in length.

Q – Who Can Be Hypnotized?
A – Any one of at least normal intelligence who can follow simple instructions can be hypnotized if they choose to do so.

Q – Are there any side effects?
A – Hypnosis is completely safe and has been sanctioned and used by the medical and dental professions since the late 1950’s. The only side effect might be a feeling of deep relaxation.