— Help with Trauma
from Jill Arnold

Think about trauma as being anytime that life, or a person(s) does something to you without your permission you do not want. In the moment your brain experiences a trauma it biologically encodes all of the experiences it notices during the trauma. These could be sensory (what you seek hear, smell and feel) places, people or memories of the experience.

In the moment of the trauma, the protective part of your brain adapts and changes to include all of these encoded situations into triggers that will be used to warn your nervous system of future impending danger. You may then experience feelings, thoughts, or behaviours that are reactive and seem to come out of the blue.Symptoms of trauma might be but are not limited to: anxiety, depression, panic, sleep disorders, addiction of any kind, anger, avoidance and reactivity.

One of the most evidenced based methods for helping the brain resolve trauma is EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization. EMDR utilizes bi-lateral stimulation such as tapping and eye movements, to help the brain heal. EMDR is extremely effective practiced virtually.
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